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publishers of To The Moment Went A Traveller

Travel into the present moment and rediscover the power that lies within you with this inspirational new book by Peter Kent.
To The Moment Went A Traveller is a delightful short story that will take you on a magical journey of self discovery and connect you with the wonderous power of the now. Written in verse and beautifully complemented with original colour illustrations, the book tells the story of a Traveller who has reached a crossroads in his life, burnt-out by the fast pace of modern living and overwhelmed by the push and pull of his constantly chattering mind.
Looking for answers, he seeks refuge by the ocean, where we join him and witness the profound encounter he has with himself as his quest for clarity and peace of mind delivers a whole lot more than he expected. You’ll be transported into the Traveller’s world, as he first struggles with a multitude of thoughts and emotions, before eventually breaking through into a quieter and more meditative space where the past and future seem to disappear. As the story unfolds, you’ll find yourself slowing down with our Traveller as he connects with the timeless voice of the present and discovers a taste of something well beyond the usual perceptions of life.
In today’s busy technology-driven world, where most of us face the challenge of juggling our various roles, responsibilities and ‘to do’ lists while racing a clock that seems to be speeding up, this book speaks to the ‘traveller’ in us all. Illuminating the benefits of a quietly-focused mind, it invites you to step back and take the time to look inside and listen to the wiser voice within. It reminds you of the expanded awareness that is available to you when you have your feet firmly planted in the present moment. It also encourages you to embrace the wonder and mystery of life and to ask the bigger questions: ‘Who am I?’ ... ‘What am I doing here?’ ... ‘Where am I going?’. The tale of the Moment Traveller will help refresh your perspective and enthusiasm for life and will stay with you as a book which can be revisited time and again.
This modern fable will nourish your spirit and capture your heart. With its uplifting message, engaging ryhming narrative, colourful illustrations and friendly storybook style, To The Moment Went A Traveller offers an innovative take on mindfulness, meditation, self exploration and the power of now. It belongs in the company of such other well-loved personal development classics as Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions by Richard Bach, The Dolphin by Sergio Bambaren, and The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The Traveller’s story makes a wonderful gift for anyone seeking a deeper experience of the now ... the precious moment that makes up our lives. So if you’re wanting to reignite the Moment Traveller, either in yourself or someone else, this enchanting and insightful little book is guaranteed to inspire.
To The Moment Went A Traveller is a delightful short story that will take you on a magical journey of self discovery and connect you with the wonderous power of the now. Written in verse and beautifully complemented with original colour illustrations, the book tells the story of a Traveller who has reached a crossroads in his life, burnt-out by the fast pace of modern living and overwhelmed by the push and pull of his constantly chattering mind.
Looking for answers, he seeks refuge by the ocean, where we join him and witness the profound encounter he has with himself as his quest for clarity and peace of mind delivers a whole lot more than he expected. You’ll be transported into the Traveller’s world, as he first struggles with a multitude of thoughts and emotions, before eventually breaking through into a quieter and more meditative space where the past and future seem to disappear. As the story unfolds, you’ll find yourself slowing down with our Traveller as he connects with the timeless voice of the present and discovers a taste of something well beyond the usual perceptions of life.
In today’s busy technology-driven world, where most of us face the challenge of juggling our various roles, responsibilities and ‘to do’ lists while racing a clock that seems to be speeding up, this book speaks to the ‘traveller’ in us all. Illuminating the benefits of a quietly-focused mind, it invites you to step back and take the time to look inside and listen to the wiser voice within. It reminds you of the expanded awareness that is available to you when you have your feet firmly planted in the present moment. It also encourages you to embrace the wonder and mystery of life and to ask the bigger questions: ‘Who am I?’ ... ‘What am I doing here?’ ... ‘Where am I going?’. The tale of the Moment Traveller will help refresh your perspective and enthusiasm for life and will stay with you as a book which can be revisited time and again.
This modern fable will nourish your spirit and capture your heart. With its uplifting message, engaging ryhming narrative, colourful illustrations and friendly storybook style, To The Moment Went A Traveller offers an innovative take on mindfulness, meditation, self exploration and the power of now. It belongs in the company of such other well-loved personal development classics as Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions by Richard Bach, The Dolphin by Sergio Bambaren, and The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The Traveller’s story makes a wonderful gift for anyone seeking a deeper experience of the now ... the precious moment that makes up our lives. So if you’re wanting to reignite the Moment Traveller, either in yourself or someone else, this enchanting and insightful little book is guaranteed to inspire.
Reader Comments ... what others are saying about the book
""What a magnificent piece of art this beautiful book is! Poetic road map of a territory, which is so familiar... At first shamelessly uncovering vagaries of the mind, but moving on... Continuing on the journey beyond the thoughts and images into the space of
absolute bliss, the heart of hearts, Home. Cannot recommend enough - as a gift to oneself or to anyone else - to frequently come
back and savour the consciousness in it's all forms and costumes - so amazingly well portrayed in this stunning masterpiece." Katarzyna Wachnowska
"There have been many travellers along the way. All have the idea and focus that there is a destination to be reached at some future time. Peter points out that the only journey to be made is to the timeless moment, where wonderous happenings occur and give the taste of the reality, that is - this moment.
"For something in you never moves and is found by not being sought, the omnipresent energy that gives birth to every thought. The origin of all that is..." (p.59)
A wonderful book, well worth having and resonating with. Thank you, Peter." Sailor Bob Adamson
“A fantastic parable that I believe can resonate with us all on some level. The only other book that has had such a profound effect on my life was the Hermann Hesse book Siddhartha.” Mark Cooper - Leadership Trainer
“Truly outstanding and something to evoke strong thoughts in those of us consumed by the 'busy-ness' of life.” Jack Talbot-Sapsford
“It lifted me up and put me into this whole new space. I felt like I had a new courage to face the challenges in front of me. The poem stays with you, and I keep remembering bits of it as I go through my day.” Mikel Rillie - Eco-tourism Guide / Drama Teacher
“I love the pictures and the sense of space, and from the moment I started reading it I realised I had this smile on my face the whole time.”
Sally Plumb - Teacher
“The subject matter is dear to my heart. I can see this book being offered or recommended as a primer, an entrée to the concept of meditation that avoids the scare factor of self-help tomes." Craig Forsythe - Author, The Youngsters Book of Politics
Read more at full list of Reader Comments
absolute bliss, the heart of hearts, Home. Cannot recommend enough - as a gift to oneself or to anyone else - to frequently come
back and savour the consciousness in it's all forms and costumes - so amazingly well portrayed in this stunning masterpiece." Katarzyna Wachnowska
"There have been many travellers along the way. All have the idea and focus that there is a destination to be reached at some future time. Peter points out that the only journey to be made is to the timeless moment, where wonderous happenings occur and give the taste of the reality, that is - this moment.
"For something in you never moves and is found by not being sought, the omnipresent energy that gives birth to every thought. The origin of all that is..." (p.59)
A wonderful book, well worth having and resonating with. Thank you, Peter." Sailor Bob Adamson
“A fantastic parable that I believe can resonate with us all on some level. The only other book that has had such a profound effect on my life was the Hermann Hesse book Siddhartha.” Mark Cooper - Leadership Trainer
“Truly outstanding and something to evoke strong thoughts in those of us consumed by the 'busy-ness' of life.” Jack Talbot-Sapsford
“It lifted me up and put me into this whole new space. I felt like I had a new courage to face the challenges in front of me. The poem stays with you, and I keep remembering bits of it as I go through my day.” Mikel Rillie - Eco-tourism Guide / Drama Teacher
“I love the pictures and the sense of space, and from the moment I started reading it I realised I had this smile on my face the whole time.”
Sally Plumb - Teacher
“The subject matter is dear to my heart. I can see this book being offered or recommended as a primer, an entrée to the concept of meditation that avoids the scare factor of self-help tomes." Craig Forsythe - Author, The Youngsters Book of Politics
Read more at full list of Reader Comments
Coming Soon ...
In the not too distant future, we will also be making To The Moment Went A Traveller available as both an e-book and an audio book read by the author. We are also currently developing our second product, which is an educational practice tool for vocal toning and discovering the true potential of your natural voice. So check out this space from time to time or feel free to join our mailing list. Supporting Worthwhile Causes
A percentage of proceeds from To The Moment Went A Traveller are donated to non-profit organisations that provide care to homeless and under-privileged children and young people. We appreciate your support. |