Reader Comments
What others are saying about To The Moment Went A Traveller
""What a magnificent piece of art this beautiful book is! Poetic road map of a territory, which is so familiar... At first shamelessly uncovering vagaries of the mind, but moving on... Continuing on the journey beyond the thoughts and images into the space of
absolute bliss, the heart of hearts, Home. Cannot recommend enough - as a gift to oneself or to anyone else - to frequently come back and savour the consciousness in it's all forms and costumes - so amazingly well portrayed in this stunning masterpiece." Katarzyna Wachnowska "There have been many travellers along the way. All have the idea and focus that there is a destination to be reached at some future time. Peter points out that the only journey to be made is to the timeless moment, where wonderous happenings occur and give the taste of the reality, that is - this moment. "For something in you never moves and is found by not being sought, the omnipresent energy that gives birth to every thought. The origin of all that is..." (p.59) A wonderful book, well worth having and resonating with. Thank you, Peter." Sailor Bob Adamson "A fantastic parable that I believe can resonate with us all on some level. The only other book that has had such a profound effect on my life was the Herman Hesse book ‘Siddhartha’. Several months ago I was the traveller walking onto the beach. Much success but with a major crack in the overarching superstructure. I had it all but I kind of had nothing? I had the million random thoughts running through my head providing conflict upon conflict and general confusion to my reality. In fact I wasn’t sure what my reality was anymore. This short story/poem has become central to some of the changes I am now making in my life and my greater understanding of myself and my purpose/contribution to the greater universe. It keeps the questions alive. The whole thing resonates, and makes you want to come back to it from time to time just to dip in and recall a verse or two. The pages on my copy will be well worn as the years move on as it is a constant reminder of where I am really going if I continue to invest in the rewarding idea of 'slowing down to go fast'." Mark Cooper - Leadership Trainer “It lifted me up and put me into this whole new space. I felt like I had a new courage to face the challenges in front of me. The poem stayed with me, and I keep remembering little bits of it when I’m going through my day. I really like the moment when this traveller finds his breath. This is a great story; a classic that reminds me of something I having a deep ancient knowing of, yet have not fully immersed myself into ... that being the moment, the precious now, the song divine. Letting go: an adventure with ‘the one’. Great stuff. I also loved how it reminds you of the importance of getting away from the everyday environment and connecting with nature. A gift.” Mikel Rillie - Eco-tourism Guide / Drama Teacher “This poem is like a kind of acupuncture for the soul. A conductor. It describes just what happens in those deeply quiet moments and you can tell that the author has lived it. On first hearing the story, it brought a tear to my eye. It kept me curious as to where it was going to go, and at the same time kept delivering me to a place that I could recognise and could entirely relate to.” Tim Barber - Writer / Poet “A moving and inspiring piece of work. A tribute to what everyone on a spritual path can achieve and a beautiful manual for those who need to be reminded." John Roberts - Language and Drama Teacher “I love the title. To The Moment Went A Traveller ... it totally tells you that your going on a journey. It bends the definition and association of those words, and says ‘I’ve got to read this’. The book feels cleansing, grounding and vibrant, and has a real gravity to it. The style gives you the sense that you’re subtley being ‘taught’ something, yet it’s also like you’re reading your own mind. You get the sense of the Traveller and the presence being one and that you are the traveller. This is such a gift to humanity. Kosta Stefanou - Musician / Student “I like the approach of the verse. I’ve never really ‘got’ short-form poetry, partly because I seem to find myself trying to ‘analyse’ the meaning too much as I go along, but Peter’s style reads with a rhythm and turns off the analysis. The early messages about busy, busy, busy are great. Maybe we cannot stop all this busy, maybe we can, but if we don’t at least acknowledge it then it can take over. Being a rational scientific cynical bastard I typically don’t respond to mysticism. However, whilst I’m sure there is an element of this story that goes down that path, the point is about a physiological / neural process that humans do not understand. It doesn’t matter what we call it or how we perceive it. We can feel it even if we cannot rationalise it. I’ve meditated and that calm is real and human. The idea of meditation creating a space for creativity, inspiration & reflection is powerful. “ David Brown - IT Manager “A joy to read. Much wisdom expressed in an easy to assimilate style. I especially liked the words from the Present when it ’spoke’, and felt the magic manifest in those passages. One feels that they are inside the mind of the traveller, and of course there is a resonating with what unfolds within him.” Jonathan Kent - Musician / Writer “The whole book is so relaxing and uplifting. The words really take you there and I love the pictures. I just like holding it!” Sophie Stefanou “I love the pictures and the sense of space, and from the moment I started reading it I realised I had this smile on my face the whole time.” Sally Plumb - Teacher “Truly outstanding and something to evoke strong thoughts in those of us consumed by the 'busy-ness' of life.” Jack Talbot-Sapsford “The subject matter is dear to my heart. I can see this book being offered or recommended as a primer, an entrée to the concept of meditation that avoids the scare factor of self-help tomes." Craig Forsythe - Author, The Youngsters Book of Politics We are always happy to hear from our readers, so if you want to share any feedback you might have on the book you can contact us here We might like to quote you in our Readers Comments section, so please let us know if you would prefer not to be published. Please note while we do try to respond to all comments received, we may not be able to respond to everybody.